Burglars stole gold, silver ornaments, and valuables worth Rs10.33 lakh from the row house of a software engineer couple in Pune. The incident was captured on CCTV, which showed three men entering the property by jumping over the rear compound wall. The burglars broke the locks of the security gate and main door, stole a bag of jewelry from a wooden cupboard, and fled. The police have registered an FIR and are analyzing the CCTV footage to identify and arrest the suspects. The victims, who were away when the burglary occurred, were informed by a neighbor. from Pune News, Latest Pune News Headlines & Live Updates - Times of India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/pune/property-worth-rs-10-lakh-stolen-from-techies-house-in-lohegaon/articleshow/104954941.cms