Aurangabad police registered an FIR against Santosh Bangar, a man from Hingoli district, on Saturday after a video of him allegedly manhandling a principal of a government polytechnic college in Kalamnuri circulated on social media. The police have also booked the principal on the basis of a complaint from a woman lecturer. Calls to the principal went unanswered until the time of going to print. Bangar told the Times of India that the FIR is based on a completely false complaint and that he has spoken to the Hingoli superintendent and additional SP about the matter. The police said based on the complaint from the principal, Bangar, his supporters, and college staffers have been booked on charges of using criminal force to prevent a public servant from performing official duty, causing hurt, and unlawful assembly. The police also said that based on the complaint from women lecturers, the college principal has been booked on the charges of using criminal force with intent to outrage mode...